Maintaining independence in a care home is both achievable and essential for enhancing quality of life. At Aurem Care, our approach prioritises each resident’s autonomy and personal choice, creating an environment where they can live life on their terms.
In a world where every second counts, understanding the FAST acronym can be a lifesaver. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the significance of the FAST acronym in identifying the signs of a stroke, and we’ll explore the importance of seeking external sources of support, including the Stroke Association.
Aurem Care is excited to announce the launch of its brand new website, dedicated to providing essential information and support to residents, friends, families, and new customers. After several months of careful planning and development, we are proud to present a user-friendly platform that offers a wealth of resources for all those connected to our care homes.
As we age, we can become more susceptible to disease. Or conditions we already have become more acute or difficult to manage. But what if you are on your own and already struggling at home? That’s when you may need to take the decision to move into a Nursing Home, to give you the additional support that you need. So, what can you expect from nursing care in a residential home?
For those considering their options for long-term care in the UK, the issue of financing can be a complex one, as it depends on several factors. These factors include: your financial situation; your health and medical needs; and the type of care required. Here we have highlighted 7 ways of funding long-term care, commonly used by people looking to finance long-term care in the UK.
For millions of people worldwide, Dementia is a challenging and complex condition. That’s because it affects both those living with dementia and those closest to them. To manage this, an increased focus on providing compassionate and effective care for those living with this condition is needed. In this blog we look at 6 steps to develop a holistic approach to those living with dementia.
Aurem Care homes are all about people caring about people, we believe our care homes should be happy homes for loved ones.
Where older adults can forge worthwhile, meaningful relationships with our team and make new friends.