Dementia care

When independent living with dementia is no longer possible, Aurem Care provides a home from home.


People living with dementia can require increasing levels of care in later life. Dementia care is an option that can help relieve the strains and hardships for that person and those looking after them.

Stability, security and safety are essential for those living with dementia. Our homes are specifically designed with safety in mind, with clear visual prompts to help residents with all types and stages of dementia.

We create a homely, comfortable setting to create feelings of familiarity with the smells of home-cooked food and friendly team members. Familiarity and minimising potential stress are a priority and our highly trained and qualified teams of long-serving dementia carers offer maximum understanding and stimulating companionship.

Our expertise

Dementia care has important benefits:

  • 24-hour support from staff trained in dementia care
  • The knowledge that your loved one is in a safe place
  • Social interaction, stimulation and activities

Managing the various types and stages of dementia requires a carefully considered environment and care plan. Dementia affects people in different ways which is why it is important to treat each resident’s needs as unique. Our care plans are reviewed regularly to ensure that individual needs continue to be met as the stages of dementia change.

There’s no substitute for seeing our care in action and we warmly welcome you to visit your preferred Aurem Care home.

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Frequently asked questions

What is dementia care?

Dementia care is the act of supporting residents living with dementia. It is provided by specialist carers who are highly experienced and trained to assist with conditions where decline in cognitive function accumulates.

Dementia care is more than providing a comfortable and safe environment in our care homes, the team build compassionate relationships over time to genuinely understand each and every need of all those living in our homes.

Our dementia care goal is to provide a foundation for residents to live a stimulating and fulfilled life and we are dedicated to achieving this as above all, we care.

How do you settle a new resident living with dementia?

To help establish a baseline for each resident with dementia, our care assistants will spend time getting to know the particular and unique issues relating to your loved one, as well as establishing a rapport with yourselves. The outcome from this will be a Personal Care Plan (PCP) tailored to your loved one’s unique needs and personal preferences.

This PCP doesn’t just cover medical and related needs, but also, importantly, the emotional and mental wellbeing of the resident. Moving from their home into a new environment can have a massive emotional impact on new residents, and even more so if they are dementia sufferers. So, ensuring that we respect their wishes on what personal items they wish to have with them in their new surroundings can go a long way to helping a new resident to settle in. We believe that quality of life is paramount, so easing the impact of a changed environment, by having familiar and favourite items with them, is important to new residents.

Who will care for my loved one?

At Aurem, all our staff are chosen for their personal aptitude, skills, and their attitude to care, and every one of them is a valuable and dedicated asset to the care home. Managing the needs of dementia sufferers is not for everyone, however, so we choose people with the appropriate skillset, attitude, and emotional capabilities to work in this challenging environment.

Alongside nurses that are specially trained in dementia care, our care assistants provide a personalised and dedicated service to our dementia residents, respecting their personal needs and desires, whilst balancing this with their medical and emotional requirements. They also have an important rapport with the close family of residents, ensuring that they are kept up-to-date with everything relating to their loved one’s care.

How do you provide support to the family and loved ones?

Dementia doesn’t just affect the individual who is living with the disease – it can have a hugely traumatic and emotionally devastating effect on those closest to them. Those living with dementia can go through huge mental, emotional, and cognitive changes at any time, as the disease affects each individual slightly differently. The effect of these changes can be very distressing for those closest to them and our carers understand this.

Memory for a dementia resident can be a very fragile affair and coping with the emotional effects of someone you love no longer recognising you, or not wanting you around, can be both heart-breaking and emotionally distressing. Our care teams understand this and can provide family members with advice on coping with this situation.

Support is available to close family, to help them through this emotional trauma and advise on what might be the next steps.


    All testimonials
  • All the staff are kind and friendly and have taken the time to get to know Mum…

    The management and staff are very attentive. They listen to our requests concerning my mum’s individual needs and react accordingly. My mum is very happy with the care she is receiving and always comments on how nice the meals are. The manager responds to any email questions or requests very promptly, which is a very helpful extra communication line to have. 

    The nurse is also available to discuss any particular issue whenever needed. All the staff are kind and friendly and have taken the time to get to know Mum – thank you all.

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Aurem Care homes are all about people caring about people, we believe our care homes should be happy homes for loved ones.

Where older adults can forge worthwhile, meaningful relationships with our team and make new friends.

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